Tuesday 23 October 2012

Network Marketing is a BUSINESS meant only for people who take RISKS

Without RISKS there are no failures, and without failures there is no SUCCESS.

For any Business or Company to be successful, it needs RIGHT people. These are CHOSEN by the Company (by way of interviews). All people who appear for interview are NOT employed. Only deserving people are chosen.

Same applies to Network Marketing - As a business owner, YOU should chose people in your network. Say NO to people who -

1. are happy with their 9 to 6 jobs and who have no time to DREAM
2. people who keep saying - Money is not everything
3. people who do not want to come out of their "so-called" comfort zone 
    of their job

After all, your business will only be successful if ALL PEOPLE IN YOUR NETWORK BECOME SUCCESSFUL.

If you want your people to be successful, YOU should decide who should join you.

Sunday 21 October 2012

You CANNOT be successful in Network Marketing by bugging your family, friends & relatives

All Network Marketing seminars I have attended till date told me to do the following -

1. Prepare a list of Family members, Friends and relatives
2. Call them to attend company's seminars (where success stories are
3. Continuously be after them till they say "yes" to join you
4. Once they join, ask them to repeat steps 1,2 and 3 above

Though this sounds good, this business strategy WILL NOT WORK for 97% people who join any network business.


The logic is simple. If YOU (as a business owner) go after your friends and relatives, they will start "avoiding" you. Your enthusiasm will go down very quickly. Remember - Most of us cannot accept "rejection" by our own people. You will then start thinking " if my own people are not joining me, how will strangers join?"

At the end of this "painful" exercise, you will discuss the outcome with your other friends and they will say - "we were telling you not to do this...yeh MLM kabhi chalta nahi..."

To cut the long story short, 97% people fail in Network Marketing because EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS HAPPEN and they quit in first 2-3 months!

Network Marketing as a CONCEPT is revolutionary and very good, but it DOES NOT work for everyone in network.

Now, as per the old saying - There is a SOLUTION to every PROBLEM.


What is it??

Keep visiting my blog.

Friday 19 October 2012

What will happen if Network Marketing works for EVERYONE?

Manik J. Kshetrapal
 Businessman & Founder 

"The Power of 10"

                  00-91-9371781658 / mkshetrapal@gmail.com

By now, almost everyone in the world has come across the revolution called Network Marketing (NM) or Multi-level Marketing (MLM). It is a Direct marketing system which has produced more millionaires in record time than other conventional business systems.

Here are some quotes from well-known RICH people :

If I have a chance to start all over again, I will CHOOSE Network Marketing - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft  

“Network marketing gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth.” - Robert Kiyosaki, Leading businessman and author of "RICH DAD POOR DAD" 

“Rich build Networks, everyone else only works.” - Robert Kiyosaki, Leading businessman and author of "RICH DAD POOR DAD" 

“I am often asked if Network Marketing is a Pyramid Scheme. My reply is that corporations really are pyramid schemes. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the CEO, and everyone else below.” - Donald Trump, American Business Magnate and Co-author of “Why We Want You To Be Rich”

All NM companies promote their products and Business Plan to people, who wish to earn money. All say that doing business is "VERY SIMPLE". All NM leaders who network for such companies say "IF I CAN DO IT, ANYONE CAN DO IT."

Unfortunately, history suggests that only 3% people achieve success with MLM & 97% people fail. 

As failing percentage is very high, we come across people who have lost their money and who blame NM companies and the concept of Direct Selling as "absurd" and a loud "NO...NO" if some other company approaches them!! I would like to ask all you visitors a million-dollar question here - What will happen if EVERYONE in the TEAM makes handsome income?


Every business (whether conventional or Networking) has got its own OPERATING SYSTEM. If one carefully studies HOW this system works and follows it CONSISTENTLY, knows what should all his/her people in business DO and NOT DO, business CANNOT fail.

  • I can apply this logic to Network Marketing business and say loud and clear that YOU cannot fail in Network marketing business. However, there are certain KEY FACTORS for YOUR success:

    RIGHT company - which is in business for at least 10 years

    RIGHT products - which are affordable by common people and add Value to their day-to-day life

    RIGHT business model - which most networkers call as "Business Plan"

    After being in networking business for almost 5 years now, I have come across a company which qualifies ALL above parameters. Based on its Business Plan, I have designed a formula -



    Learning from my previous experiences in Network Marketing, applying business logic and using simple mathematics, I have found "THE POWER OF 10"

    I have no doubt in my mind that it will change the fortunes of ALL people who join my team - THE POWER OF 10

    My only criteria for joining - YOU must be a BIG DREAMER with FIRE IN YOUR BELLY.