Sunday 21 October 2012

You CANNOT be successful in Network Marketing by bugging your family, friends & relatives

All Network Marketing seminars I have attended till date told me to do the following -

1. Prepare a list of Family members, Friends and relatives
2. Call them to attend company's seminars (where success stories are
3. Continuously be after them till they say "yes" to join you
4. Once they join, ask them to repeat steps 1,2 and 3 above

Though this sounds good, this business strategy WILL NOT WORK for 97% people who join any network business.


The logic is simple. If YOU (as a business owner) go after your friends and relatives, they will start "avoiding" you. Your enthusiasm will go down very quickly. Remember - Most of us cannot accept "rejection" by our own people. You will then start thinking " if my own people are not joining me, how will strangers join?"

At the end of this "painful" exercise, you will discuss the outcome with your other friends and they will say - "we were telling you not to do this...yeh MLM kabhi chalta nahi..."

To cut the long story short, 97% people fail in Network Marketing because EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS HAPPEN and they quit in first 2-3 months!

Network Marketing as a CONCEPT is revolutionary and very good, but it DOES NOT work for everyone in network.

Now, as per the old saying - There is a SOLUTION to every PROBLEM.


What is it??

Keep visiting my blog.

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