Tuesday 6 November 2012

The power of duplication in Network marketing lies in how you leverage your efforts and time by teaching other people in your downline to duplicate your efforts. What is amazing about setting up a duplication system in MLM is the fact that you gain a share in the profits generated by the system and by the people in your downline. The more associates (downline) you have, the more profits you will gain! Duplication is the key to the success in any multilevel marketing campaign.

The power of duplication

If there is one downside in setting up a duplication system in multi-level marketing system it is perhaps the fact that personal skills are not duplicated. In fact, no matter how great you are as a public speaker or a great sales person, the sad thing is that these personal traits are not duplicable and your downline may not possess your most precious traits. That is why it is expected that over ninety-five percent of people you recruit in your downline may not possess your best traits and may not even be interested in learning your traits.

The essence of duplication, therefore, is to teach, show and help your downline repeat and carry out your training system. This way, you are guaranteed your MLM organization will grow on its own.

"Power of 10" practices The power of duplication to ensure ALL in our TEAM are successful in building networks.

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